For episode 69 of Offline, host Alison Rice sits down with chiropractor, certified Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.) practitioner and founder of Selph Health Studios, Dr. Evan Sgammotta.

N.E.T. is an approach to stress reduction that focuses on breaking behavioural patterns and stress points that can show up physically in the body. It also helps symptoms related to trauma and unresolved stressful events, by helping to eliminate conditioned emotional responses and prevent recurring patterns of pain. It compliments chiropractic and borrows from acupuncture and kinesiology. 

Alison’s own interpretation after being treated by Dr. Sgammotta, is that it’s an emotional clearing of sorts. She spent nine months sitting with what came up in her session before having an honest conversation with Dr. Sgammotta. In less than five minutes, he got to the root of why she suffers from anxious attachment — something she hasn’t spoken about on Offline before.

In this episode, Dr. Sgammotta explains what N.E.T. is, how it gets to work on such a deep level, and what to expect in a session. He also shares how he’s thinking about what’s next in the realm of emotional healing, including generational clearing. 

If you’re suffering from a chronic emotion and the stress associated with it, Alison hopes this episode helps you. 


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Offline’s host, Alison Rice, is an award-winning leader and conscious coach. She offers personal coaching sessions. Find out more or book directly

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 Original music by DLakeCreates.